ALI2001 - Italiano Commerciale 1

ALI2001 - Italiano Commerciale 1

Course Title

ALI2001 - Italiano Commerciale 1

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

Semester 1


Mode of Study

Part-Time Day

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The study-unit shall be divided in 2 parts: the theoretical part and the practical part. In the first part of the unit, the students will be given a sound theoretical basis of the basic grammatical and lexical notions of Italian related to the commercial world. The second part of the unit will consist of conversation sessions, workshops and hands on practical sessions.

Supplementary Reading List

  • L’italiano in ufficio. A. Vallardi Editore, Milano. 2006
  • M.Kent, T. Gorla, M.L. O’Sullivan, La corrispondenza commerciale e d’affari inglese-italiano. De Vecchi Editore, Milano. 2003
  • A. Chiuchiù, M. Bernacchi, Manuale di tecnica e corrispondenza commerciale. 2a edizione. Guerra Edizioni, Perugia. 1994
  • L.Incalcaterra-McLoughlin, L.Pla-Lang, G. Schiavo-Rotheneder, Italiano per economisti. Alma Edizioni, Firenze. 2003

Study-unit Aims

The main aim of this unit is to give the students the necessary tools to be able to communicate using the Italian language (be it in writing, on the phone, face to face, using the net), in the business and/ or commercial world. Another aim of the unit is to teach students how to get to know about job vacancies (by means of various web sites) with Italian companies and how to present their letters of application.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

  • Communicate fluently in Italian
  • Introduce himself and talk about his work/ company/ business etc
  • Ask for and/or understand information re commercial aspects/ business/ work etc
  • Communicate in writing with Italian clients/ partners/ companies
  • Grasp basic grammatical notions, namely:
    1. I tempi e modi dei verbi
    2. La forma attiva e la forma passiva dei verbi
    3. I pronomi relativi
    4. Il discorso diretto e indiretto
    5. I pronomi diretti e indiretti
    6. I pronomi e gli aggettivi possessive
    7. La forma del “Lei” – using the polite form

Learning Outcomes: Skills

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

    • write and present an email of a commercial nature
    • write various types of commercial/business letters namely:
      1. letter of acceptance
      2. letter of refusal
      3. letter of protest
      4. letter of complaint
      5. letter of thanks
    • answer the phone
    • make orders
    • ask for more information re orders/ prices/ other details
    • leave a message on the phone and/or answering machine
  1. Students will be expected to communicate efficiently in the Italian language with mother tongue speakers.
  2. Given a learning outcome, the student will be able to compose a letter and / or email of a commercial nature using the Italian language.
  3. Within the context of a class situation, students will be able to demonstrate and evaluate the use of appropriate examples of good practice for commercial purposes.
  4. At the end of this study-unit, students will be expected to be able to analyse and interpret a text of a commercial nature in detail.

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